3. Paint Tools

MagnifierMagnifier Click the image to increase or decrease the magnification factor.
Image MoverImage Mover Click and drag the image to move visible area of the image when the image is larger than the window.
Rectangular SelectionRectangular Selection Click and drag to create a rectangular selection area.
To select all layers, hold SHIFT key down and drag.
Oval SelectionOval Selection Click and drag to create a oval selection area.
To select all layers, hold SHIFT key down and drag.
LassoLasso Click and drag to create a freehand selection area.
To select all layers, hold SHIFT key down and drag.
MagicWandMagic Wand Click to create a selection area bounded by similar colors.
To add selection areas, hold SHIFT key down and click.
Click MagicWand with the right button to change the tolerance.
Selection By ColorSelection By Color Click to create a selection area of similar color.
To add selection areas, hold SHIFT key down and click.
Click Selection By Color with the right button to change the tolerance.
PenPen Click and drag to draw.
LineConnect Line Click and drag to draw a line.
To draw connected lines, keep on clicking and right-click at the last point. Press ESC key to cancel the last point.
ƒXƒvƒ‰ƒCƒ“‹ÈüSpline Curve Keep on clicking and right-click at the last point. Press ESC key to cancel the last point.
RectangleRectangle Click and drag to draw a hollow rectangle.
Filled RectangleFilled Rectangle Click and drag to draw a filled rectangle.
OvalOval Click and drag to draw a hollow oval.
Filled OvalFilled Oval Click and drag to draw a filled oval.
Flood FillFlood Fill Click an inside region to fill. Click Flood Fill with the right button to change the tolerance.
Color ReplacerColor Replacer Click and drag to replace the second color with the first color.
Draw TextDraw Text Click to draw text. Click and drag the text to move it.

A image will be built using neutral colors when the AntiAlias is ON. The AntiAlias is effective when stretching or rotating a selected image, or when drawing text.

Enables the transparent color of the selected area. The transparent color of the current layer is applied.

Picks up color by right-clicking
When the mode is Pen, Line and so on, the color under the cursor can be picked up by right-clicking, and can be picked up as the second color by right-clicking with Control-key.
Right-click with Shift-key to pick up the color in the current layer only.

Selection by right dragging
When the mode is Pen, Line and so on, a rectangular selection can be created by dragging with mouse's right button. When the selection is released, it will return to the original mode automatically.